
Post 8

English for me is something that catches my attention, but at the same time it is quite a challenge, when I was a girl I did not listen to much music in English, and I regret it very much! Because now I understand that this is the first approach one has to English. I really liked this idea of blogs, because you write about your experiences and words that you use on a daily basis that you will then have to translate, and it's a very easy and entertaining way to practice vocabulary and conjugations. What I need to improve is the writing in English, and stop trying to translate the words in my mind, I also need to be ashamed to make mistakes when I speak English, and to think that by making mistakes you learn.   Outside of English class, I try to listen to music in English, in my house all the movies are shown in their original language and most are in English. I would like to have a friend who is from a country where his native language is English, to have to be forced to speak his

Blog 7

Hello everyone, the truth I would make some changes regarding the teachers who teach in university, for me, there are many teachers who have great knowledge but do not convey that information well, and teaching is a very important point.  It would also increase branches where you learn about different species of vegetation in ecosystems, and remove branches that have a lot of math, but it's because I hate math, or maybe it would take a few hours of dedication.  As for the faculty, I would build more laboratories, because the ones that exist today are very small. I would also remodel the herbarium because the capacity is very low, it is only three people!  Finally, I still don't know how the workload works so I don't know if it would change something

post 6

  I remember watching the interstellar movie and I could understand about these trips to the future, but if they were made, we couldn't go back in time, that's why I would never travel to the future. On the other hand, yes I would travel to the past, I would like to look small again, when I was about 10 years old, when my dogs were in their youth, and when I played most of the time with my brothers, and also because I miss the duckling that I had. With my brothers we had a swimming pool and we played every day in summer, we didn't have cell phones and we watched many videos on a desktop computer that was in the house, the truth is that I would like to go back for a moment, but stay there forever, because with the passage of time, my life changed a lot and many things were for the better. Besides it is not good to be stuck with things of the past, but it is good to always have fresh memories. I would also travel to the middle ages, to witness battles and see how they fought

My future job

  I would like to be a forest engineer and work ina nature reserve, I imagine planning projects to manage their forest resources, or managing the forest reserve, I imagine it outdoors and also in an office. I would love my work to allow me to travel and know many places, vegetation types, climates, fauna, soil types, varieties of fungi  As for the salary I imagine very regular, the truth is not what matters most and I have never thought about it much.  I am currently studying forestry engineering in my second year, and I chose it because I like the idea of conserving nature very much, also because I would love to influence people about environmental awareness, especially at this time when the planet is in a critical state.

Post 4

 I chose my profession because I felt it was too close to what I intended to contribute to the world, which is to maintain a balance between nature and human activities.  I feel that there are many positive aspects, and that there are many areas in which you can work, even outside the forestry area, because it is an engineering and provides the necessary tools to be eligible for any job that has to do with design, planning, management, etc. On the other hand, there are four areas where you could develop as a forestry engineer: teaching, research, conservation and exploitation. Personally, I like the idea of going for the side of nature conservation, because for me it is the most important thing in recent times and where it has been given less emphasis. However, the best way to pay, according to some opinions I have heard, is to exploit forests, but in my opinion, it is an activity that should be done with great regulation and a good management plan, because despite everything, wood is

My mom

    When I was little, I once told my mom that I felt that she and my dad were bad parents, I never know why I said it, I think I was influenced by the stereotypes of good parents that existed and still remain. At that moment my mom told me how much they tried so that my brothers and I wouldn't miss anything, at that moment I always regretted having said that. When my adolescence started I was never so close to my mom, for me it was strict and screaming, we always fought and didn't get along well. One day I was in the bus with my mom, and she told me stories of when she was young, of everything she had to go through and how unfair life had been with her. I was about 15 years old when she told me, and at that moment I realized how brave and resilient my mom was, that at that age I hadn't lived even half of the things she had lived, since that moment I started to see her with other eyes and to appreciate how great she was. Now we are very united and all I want is for her to b

The best holidays ever

  My best vacation was in February 2021, I traveled to chiloe, an island that is in the tenth region . I traveled by bus, the trip lasted 16 hours. I went with my two best friends, their names are Rocio and Paulina.   We visited many beautiful places, the weather was exquisite, my favorite place was the tocoihue waterfall, there was a lot of biodiversity and the water was exquisite. We did activities such as trekking, went for a walk, swam on the beach near the house and ate everything we wanted. At night we played cards, drank while listening to music and before going to sleep we watched chapters of a program called "mea culpa". We visited a very beautiful reserve called chiloe national park, I could see many species of plants and many birds, I could also hear the sound of nature and I felt a great connection with every living thing that was there.   I think it's one of my favorite holidays because the 3 of us worked a lot to raise money and be able to go alone, it w